Propane Routes
We are encouraging all of our customers to be on a route or order enough gallons to make it worth our delivery. We have run into problems...
Don't run out of propane. Serious safety hazards, including fire or explosion can result. If an appliance valve or a gas line is left...
For all of your feed grinding, mixing, and delivery please contact Gary or Jason at 970-334-2341. We do make deliveries in all...
Our Condolences
In March we had three stockholders and one customer of our Coop pass away, Janet (Johnson) Willich of Stoneham, CO; Stan Raddatz of...
Annual Meeting
We are always looking for board members. Our 102nd annual meeting is on June 20th so think about running for a position. We have a good...
Congratulations to the area basketball teams who represented themselves very well in the state playoffs. The Sterling boys took 3rd at...