The Peetz Farmers' Cooperative Company originally began doing business under the name of Farmers' Co-op Elevator andSupply Company. In 1915 the local Farmers' Union group gathered enough interested stockholders together to purchase an old elevator east of Peetz. Later on that year, a new elevator was erected and the old one torn down. This elevator, as well as an elevator in Sterling were all under one association. Together they handled grain, coal, binder twine, and other supplies. In 1916, the Peetz elevator broke away from the Sterling association and incorporated into the present name Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company. In 1917, the elevator was enlarged to hold 8,000 bushels. The first telephone was then added in 1919. In 1921 it was decided to discontinue the coal business.
The company was in enough financial trouble in 1933 that the board considered closing the doors. After cutting expenses (including manager's wages) it was decided to struggle through. By 1939, the company was able to build a feed mixer and grinder. Things were looking better all the time. In 1945, the company purchased an elevator from W. C. Harris Company (presently part of our feedmill today).
The Fifty's was a big expansion period for the company. In 1950, a major project of building six storage bins was under taken. By 1954 a new feed shed was added to the facility between the two elevators and in 1955 the new office building was erected. A flat storage bin holding 120,000 bushels was built in 1958. in 1959 five more bins were added east of the original six bringing our total capacity to 672,000 bushels.
During the sixties the company did not have any major building projects, just minor up keeping. It was in the early 70's when the Co-op updated their present feedmill and purchased a new feed grinder and mixer, and also built a new feedmill and purchased a new feed truck for on-farm deliveries.
In 1977 it was decided by all the stockholders to merge the Consumers' Oil Station with the Peetz Farmer's Cooperative Company. The Co-op broadened their service to their patrons with the new service of bulk fuel deliveries including gasoline, diesel and propane as well as a service station with a variety or car-care products to choose from. The elevator added four aeration bins in 1979 so that they could handle wet wheat and more corn at harvest time. By 1982, the elevator was receiving enough corn that they felt it was beneficial to purchase a corn dryer that dried 7,500 bushels a day.
From 1983 to 1988, the Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company didn't have any major problems or additions to speak of, but still kept the company rolling smoothly.
In 1989, the Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company took part in the building of an Ampride C-Store in Sterling, Colorado. Also, four new bulk feed tanks were added for the feed mill, and the office was remodeled. Throughout the 90's the Peetz Farmers Coop made agreements with other co-ops in the area to provide a better service to the Peetz customers. Horizon Co-op in Sterling agreed to handle fertilizing in the Peetz area. The Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company became involved with Royalean Pork (a market hog consignment co-op) in 1990.
In 1993, the Co-op purchased a feed bag sewing machine, a new truck, a tire machine for the station, a new copier and computer for the office, and cellular phones for the vehicles. New concrete was laid at the station, and new lighting was installed. Our Elevator Superintendent, Dave Deines, was cited for having the cleanest elevator ever seen by the insurance company. In 1994, Peetz and High-Plains Co-ops purchased an anhydrous applicator. Peetz also purchased 15% of the Foxhoven Tire Center, LLC (limited liability corporation.) The tire line included Goodyear and Michelin tires, along with a tire repair truck. The corporation also purchased an old Goodyear store in Sidney, Nebraska. There were also several equipment upgrades made in 1994. The Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company purchased a new fuel truck, and oil-burning stove, a computer for the office, and air compressor.
In 1998, the Peetz Farmers Coop purchased a new feed grinder/mixer for the feedmill,a new pickup, graphic logo's for all vehicles, protein and moisture tester, a new mower, and a much needed hoist for the station were purchased. Once again, many new purchases were made in 1999. A new computer system was added, along with a new feed truck, 150,000 bushel grain bin (bringing our total grain capacity to 1,043,000 bushels), installation of an air quality cyclone, new copy machine, time clock, spin balancer, replacement of the scale platform, and a new 2000 compatible scale printer. The Ampride and Foxhoven's investments were still looking good.
The year 2000 brought on many new changes just as the years before had. The Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company purchased a credit card accessible gas boy machine for the station, and a new software program. Also, a new feed storage shed was built.
In the summer of 2001, The Peetz Farmers Co-op purchased a new probe, hoping to have it in time for harvest. The probe came in late, so the staff was forced to probe trucks the "old fashioned way". The probe finally arrived, and after some difficulties here and there, it was installed.
Nearly every year since 1980, the Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company has sponsored two teens to go to the Youth Leadership Conference in Liberty, MO. This is a great program for teens to participate in. Every year the youth are very grateful to the Co-op for giving them a chance to participate in this amazing experience.
The Peetz Farmers Cooperative Company has come a long way since 1915. Even though the buildings have grown old, new buildings and products have been added, employees have changed, but our values have not. We're still the small-town company that cares about each of its individual customers, and strives to serve them through it all.